Hello creatives, AI & science people! Gone are the university days where many of us, even if we talk about economists, have been studying linear algebra, calculus, advanced probabilities and statistics and buying more refined editions on the previous to tackle the grand questions on those issues…! So, what are the consequences and what’s left now that AI revolutionizes the industry, overthrows encyclopedical articles (that’s their fate anyway) and promises a future of science or even better Quantum AI? The will and the desire to go back and re-animate those topics, that seem to hold the key and the destiny towards future endeavors…
Since the age of John von Neumann, there have been ambitious introductions on the field of Quantum Logic, long before the hype of AI, big data or quantum technology. Today, I would like to pinpoint how an ambition on AI science can drive simplicity and boost knowledge. NASA, Google, IBM, Amazon and many more synthesize the hype on Quantum Computers, battling the classical computers’ limits and describe how Quantum AI - unifying quantum computing with machine learning - can lead towards a better life or even better, changing the world. Drawbacks on diversity are clear. 
Quantum Computers mean hardware and quantum computing means quantum circuits… Even if we assume you have solid knowledge (supposed to be) on the core issues of Quantum Science, when dealing with global technologies someone competent in electronics, microelectronics and analytical design of circuits would beat us all. Furthermore, since we’re more theoretical, philosophical, even though non-undermining applied science, leave the circuit level to people who show more interest to such a construction. It’s complicated, goes far and the magic is being lost.
AI can be grounded on mathematic logic. Syllogistic logic, propositional logic, first-order logic that constitutes the combination of syllogistic and propositional logic and many more, can form the propositional lattice of complex phenomena that have the power to describe the universe with a little extra logical power. Having good background in linear algebra, mathematic logic and advanced probabilities and statistics as that’s the applied domain on AI technology, hold the key of studying quantum logic. Remembrance and refinement of these topics with books that will tackle the grand questions of math, eventually builds upon our experience as university students…!
AI extends to topics on math and physics, directly suggesting that timelong knowledge on key science and building upon “the previous” experience on a resume, is more important than attending e.g. a seminar on the elite topics of something completely new for you, where it’s a matter of luck if you’ll remember even the 5% of it after 3 months… Math are the beginning of everything…! Have a great time folks!