Hello folks, creatives and social networkers all around! I feel delighted to announce the ebook and paperback of my fairytale fantasy "The Little Lantern of Happiness" are now officially launched in the world wide web!

The feeling of illustrated physical copies is amazing and you should stay tuned to get the essence of the hardcover as well in terms of its big dimensions, exactly like the volume of The Little Prince!

All my current creative writing ventures (3 in total - working to get the rest of them) are books organized in chapters, chapters with titles and illustrations with a caption for each one of them and an inspirational script for each one of them, by the illustrators to get in the mood of producing an illustrated edition.

Stay tuned to get a sense of my material!


Chapter 1. Acknowledging Excellence 1
Chapter 2. Self-confidence 13
Chapter 3. Abnegation 23
Chapter 4. Forgiveness 35
Chapter 5. With the “Fantasy” Queen 45

About the Author 57

The Little Lantern of Happiness, Back-Cover Script

Little Albert moves with his family to a poor neighborhood due to his family’s financial hardship. Being the best student, family warmth, tenderness as well as his school grades make it hard for him to realize the competition and provocations he receives by his classmates. A fairytale fairy approaches the little child and starts playing the Magic Flute for him.

The music coming out of the Magic Flute makes little Albert start seeing visions. Is acquiring self-awareness enough to show him a path he will excel at and find happiness in spite of adversities? Little Albert together with Flowery will travel magically and learn that being a child at heart precedes being great… 


Delighted by visions related to self-confidence, abnegation, forgiveness and patience, they will try to overturn the ironic twists that prevented them from reaching their goal.

An illustrated fairytale fantasy story for all ages above 13 years old.

I truly hope you'll like it and that you will enjoy its web journey!

Have a great day!

Photo Credits: Menelaos Gkikas